Monday, March 2, 2009

About My self.

My name is Abdulla K. AlQubaisi. I'm 19 years old, I live in Abu dhabi. I got my high school diploma in 2007 have joined the HCT after that. This is my second year in the HCT I'm Currently majored in fiance but this may change by next year. I like watching horror, comedy and action movies. I enjoy going fishing form time to time. I like to go out with my friends out to the cinema or out camping in the desert. My interests in life is getting a good degree and live my life. I watch movies and series some times when Im bored and have nothing to do. In the near future I will study how to fly airplanes and fly one eventually.

In this blog project, Hedley is encouraging us to think critically and analytically about the issues of climate change and global warming.Global warming is considered one of the worst problems that humanity is trying to survive from. It's making the earth a lot hotter than it used to be. In my opinion this may be true or believed by some people but unless people stop blaming each other they wont do any thing.

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