Monday, March 23, 2009

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

     An Inconvenient Truth

The film an Inconvenient Truth is a documentary movie about Al Gore and global warming. The movie is generally about global warming and Al Gore's pursuit to change peoples thoughts about global warming. Through the movie Al Gore presents statistics providing enough data and information about global warming.

In the first part of the movie Al Gore explains how global warming happens and the basic science of it. He also shows a cartoon movie about Mr Sunbeam and greenhouse gases. After that pictures of Kilimanjaro and various glaciers around the world and its change through the years. Graphs were presented to show 1000 years of CO2 and global warming.

The final analysis of global warming from Gore's point of view was first population growth which was 2 billon to 9 billion in one lifetime. He also pointed out that technology was good in many ways but it's so powerful it became a force of nature itself. Moreover, the ocean temperature has increased through the years and this can cause powerful hurricanes. For example hurricane Katrina which was category one when it passed the Gulf it went up to a category four.

Through the movie we saw the droughting of regions and drying of lakes and rivers. The Arctic is one of the regions which has the fast impact of global warming. The graph shows that the the thickness of the permafrost so trucks can travel over it; before it was 255 days but in 2005 it fell to 75 days. Also in this movie we saw the possible rise of water level through a computer animated video in several countries and cities.

Finally this movie had a more personal dimension, with reference to Gore's son's accident, his loss of the election in 2000 and the death of his sister Nacny from lung cancer. Moreover this movie was well photographed, directed and presented.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Global warming

Global warming is the increase of temperature over a period of time ; it's a serious problem that people ignore and think that it is nothing; moreover people blame each other about global warming. The Increase in temperature is due to the concentration of the greenhouse gases for example Co2,methane and ozone. Moreover, the largest contributing source of greenhouse gas is the burning of fossil fuels leading to the emission of carbon dioxide.

The effects of global warming; there are two major effects of global warming. The increase of temperature and the rise of sea levels. The increase in temperature causes a lot of changes.One of the changes is melting of ice and the other one is the thermal expansion of the ocean which could lead to floods , heat waves and hurricanes. In conclusion the effect of global warming is not just in one country or one persons problem; it's the human race's problem and we all should work on reducing its effect.

About My self.

My name is Abdulla K. AlQubaisi. I'm 19 years old, I live in Abu dhabi. I got my high school diploma in 2007 have joined the HCT after that. This is my second year in the HCT I'm Currently majored in fiance but this may change by next year. I like watching horror, comedy and action movies. I enjoy going fishing form time to time. I like to go out with my friends out to the cinema or out camping in the desert. My interests in life is getting a good degree and live my life. I watch movies and series some times when Im bored and have nothing to do. In the near future I will study how to fly airplanes and fly one eventually.

In this blog project, Hedley is encouraging us to think critically and analytically about the issues of climate change and global warming.Global warming is considered one of the worst problems that humanity is trying to survive from. It's making the earth a lot hotter than it used to be. In my opinion this may be true or believed by some people but unless people stop blaming each other they wont do any thing.